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Important:  Stoney Bottom Match Fees
If you are not a member of SCSCII purchasing a yearly Associate Membership is required to participate in any shooting event at Sandusky County Sportsmen's Club, including Cowboy Action Shooting.  One-year associate memberships can be purchased at the monthly match registration table for $32.00.  Only one associate membership is required for each family.  This membership is valid for the entire calendar year.  Here's how it works:  At your first match of the year at Stoney Bottom, you purchase the associate membership for $32.00 which includes that first match.  There are no other charges other than the associate membership fee at that time.  All remaining matches that year will cost you only $10 each. All spouses and/or family members will be required to pay $10.00 for their first match and $10.00 for each remaining match. Associate Membership fees are waved for the Cowboys' State Black Powder match in April and the 3-Day match in September.

All SASS rules apply.    All of our matches are "no alibi" matches.